We’re trying something different this month and next. Instead of responding to a client question, we’re sharing recent conversations about our own real-life efforts to put into practice the principles we teach. This month Julie shares her “I don’t trust my brain! I’m overwhelmed” challenge. Next month Lisa will detail her “too much to do” concerns. Each month we’ll return to this discussion two weeks later, via our Facebook page, with a live update on what has – and hasn’t – worked for us. Meanwhile we’ll be eager to hear your feedback on these and other Transforming Success program topics.

Julie’s Struggle

Julie: Lisa, I am so overwhelmed! I have a list of 26 tasks that need to get done in the next three days.  I keep making mistakes because I’m in such a rush. I know I need to step back and create a manageable to-do list, but everything really needs to be done now. I can’t even get this next email out without making three more errors and wasting more time going back to fix them. I am at the point where I don’t trust my brain.

Lisa: Girl, I so get it. Since the pandemic forced us to pivot to an online business model, we are both being bombarded with learning a lot of new tools while continuing to fulfill our usual commitments. It’s too much. I know that you have been overtaxing your bandwidth for weeks.
Julie: Exactly. I need to deal with a thousand moving parts when I can only grab one at a time. I can’t even begin to think about some sort of efficient process toward an effective plan of action. I feel like I could just cry.

Lisa’s advice

Lisa: Well, it might be time to practice what you preach! It’s time to choose your sacrifice. Getting all 26 things done within the next three days is pretty unlikely. You have to make some hard decisions about what needs to get pushed to the bottom of your list so that you can realistically get the most important things done. Some tasks will have be delayed, and there may be some things on your list that you can’t deal with at all. Since we’re business partners, let’s jointly reevaluate our to-do list for the next three days so we can divide and conquer more effectively.

Julie: You’re right. I know the reason I can’t think straight is because I am operating in a state of scarcity. We have major deadlines bearing down on us…there just isn’t enough time to get everything done. I feel that time pressure constantly. Then I get extra frustrated because I get myself into this place, and I’m the one who teaches people how to get out of this place.
Lisa: I know you feel frustrated, but that’s exactly why we tell our clients that this is lifelong work. We’ll get over this hump. Then we’ll plan some time and space for you to take a break. We’ve been doing this long enough to know that there will always be times when we feel overwhelmed. The key is to have the skills — and the community — to help us climb out of the hole!
Julie: Thanks. I know we’re both drawn to this work because we need it, too. Let’s tackle that to-do list together. It helps to have an extra brain while I am making my way out of this dark place of scarcity.
Lisa: Yeah, if we put our heads together, we should have the equivalent of at least three-quarters of one brain to help us get organized!

To learn more about themes we address (they’re highlighted in yellow) in our Transforming Success® program, click here. Until now, Transforming Success® has only been available through company-based programs. Now we’re able to extend that opportunity to individuals, including those whose companies may cover the cost.

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